10 September, 2012

It was a smallish needle, but it was a needle

Years ago I broke a bone in my right foot. I had a cast for months and months, and before it was over I also had a DVT. But it was about 17 years ago, so that is history.

I do wonder though if the break led to some basic instability in my right foot. Three times in the last three years I've had plantar fasciitis in that foot. For the last month I've had a new and different type of pain in the ball of my right foot. Dr. W, my podiatrist, says it's a classic case of capsulitis of the second toe.

Plantar fasciities is the number one foot complaint. Guess what is the second most common? Yep, if there is a common complaint, I've got to get on the bandwagon. I am a joiner, a follower, one who does what everyone else does. At least when it comes to podiatric problems. Apparently.

I made the error of googling the condition, and now I am going to be watching my foot - like a hawk - for any signs that the second toe is migrating over the big toe. Pictures of the surgery to correct it when it gets really bad were pretty gross.

I also have thick calluses on the balls of both feet, and to get my shot of steroids in there he sort of punched the needle in there. Even with the area numbed up with cold spray it was a shock. Listen, I am physically not a brave person. What I am is a proud person. Even though there was a part of me that wanted to scream "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh," there is a much larger part of me that would rather eat dirt than cry in front of a doctor. I couldn't help a great big flinch, but I didn't even whimper. I did rather wish that there was someone around to say, "You are a very BRAVE girl," give me a sucker, and let me choose a toy from a treasure box, but the podiatrist is nothing like the pediatrician.

Some days, being an adult sucks!