31 December, 2012

Ring out the old, Ring in the new...Happy New Year to You, and You, and You!

I've been working on a list of Things to Do in 2013. I had lots of ideas. Here is where I started.

Do everything!
Lose all the weight I want to
Read all the books
Watch no tv
Make 1 quilt a month
Work part time
Make twice the money.

After some sober reflection I thought that might be just a wee bit ambitious. So, here's my adjusted list.

Volunteer for CSAC or other rescue at least once a month.
Write in my blog once a week, minimum.
Make six quilts this year.
Commit to the 100 Day Challenge and move my body at least 30 minutes each day for the first 100 days of the year.
Start yoga classes this week (yay! I love yoga.)
Start putting away money each month for Thomas' future car needs.
Get back to eating healthier and finish up the year 40 lbs. lighter than I am right now. (Right now I am 40 lbs. lighter than I was at this time last year, so I'm moving in the right direction!)
Read one book of non-fiction each month and track my reading on my blog.

That all seems possible and ambitious. I don't really have a BHAG, but I am thinking about it.


  1. I am looking forward to your blog posts. I do not understand the need to make yourself read non fiction but if it makes you happy, I'm all for it!

  2. I want to challenge myself a little, push myself to read things that aren't always in my comfort zone. I tend to only read things that reach out and grab me, and feel that sometimes if I try something out of the ordinary I can get some real winners. Two years ago when I did this I read one or two things that I loved.
